The Natural You

Peter Amlinger - Reconnecting to Innate

Timothy Wood Season 1 Episode 3

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Love Bomb interview -
Wisdom of My Nuts meets 6am EST for 30 min of Breath Focussed Meditation -

You are part of Nature. Not separate.

Just as Innate Intelligence is part of Universal Intelligence (or what some call God, Spirit, the name doesn’t matter)

We are just like radio (or TV) receiver sets. We need to position our antennae and “dial in” to the right frequencies. 

Indigenous Elder’s advice to walk with 1 foot in our 3D material world and 1 foot in the 4D spirit world (sacred silence)

Six Practical things to help reconnect you to Innate

  1. Remove interference to the Nervous System by getting Spinal Adjustments. a)This improves internal and external awareness. b) Interference creates threat and promotes Fight-Flight response which decreases awareness.
  2. Breath base Meditation 
  3. Nature  a) Become aware of Nature around you. b) Get into Nature when you can
  4. Practice Gratitude and Recall times when you felt loved
  5. This helps to lead to Self Love
  6. Develop a Neutral Mind -(Quiet Mind or Empty Mind)

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Producer Matthew Wood -
Music by MarkJuly from Pixabay