The Natural You

Tone Tellefsen Hughes - Connecting to Nature, Others and Self

Timothy Wood Season 2 Episode 6

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The Green Hub Project for Teens - Volunteering – Learning - Connecting

Tone a chiropractor of 32 years experience. Taught under and post graduate paediatric chiropractic many years. Runs a multi-disciplinary practice in Godalming, Surrey, UK. She sees her role as clinic owner as allowing staff and associates to bud , grow and flower individually. Rather than insisting that they follow her model of practice.
A healer connects people to themselves, allowing to recognise their own bodies. She operates from an intuitive level using the idea of "Physiological Consent" when the patients "system is open".  Interoception means sensing internal signals from your body. Listening to your body's signals.
Loves lighting fires in others.
Chiropractic helps you re-connect to yourself and allows you to Find your Genius.

Along with a team of dedicated volunteers, she has helped turn the walled garden behind her practice into an oasis of calm and healing. Where first staff could take time out. This transitioned into providing a safe space for Teens with anxiety and other mental health challenges to come and garden. Now with Registered Charity status, The Green Hub Project for Teens allows them to connect with Nature, themselves and others. The combination of the healing elements of bacteria in the soil, volatile chemical compounds from the plants, repeated patterns in nature, the wavelengths of green, movement and volunteering all produce a calm brain, increased motivation and enhanced immune function. With participants scoring notable improvements in wellbeing after taking part. With both short and long term mental health benefits.
Tips:L Bring nature to you,m grow something. Sit outside in a park. Look on Facebook community boards, to join or volunteer in Community Garden Projects.

Contact: Instagram Facebook
Producer Matthew Wood -
Music by MarkJuly from Pixabay